
Sacred Heart Of Jesus Round Up

The month of June is that time of the year where we can contemplate on the boundless and passionate love that Jesus has for us.  As I reflected on my integrity and humility, I decided to write and post a blog in Finding my Integrity with the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

I have been gradually learning about and have discovered a great social media to learn more about the ways we can express our love for God.  From quilts to books to shirts and coffee mugs, we can surround ourselves with all things God.  Celebrating this month with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, here a few more posts to look at.

Sacred Heart of Jesus Quilt Pattern by Jen Frost

Her talent for quilts is remarkable! Visit her site Faith and Fabric Design to learn about what the Sacred Heart of Jesus means to her and learn more about quilts for other occasions.

Live speakers with Lisa Martinez and Alyssa Sanchez

Lisa and Alyssa have a June program on Saints of the Sacred Heart of Jesus with live speakers on 6/6, 6/13, and 6/20 (YouTube promo ).  Little with Great Love  also showcases several of their art and products (art print, pillows, embroidered hats, phone cases, t-shirts).

You can read Alyssa Sanchez’s post at Sacred Heart Round Up

What is the Sacred Heart of Jesus by Andrea Frey

Check out her post in 7 Must Read Posts About the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Catholic365

Amy Brooks and Prayer

Amy shares with us a very personal and special prayer in  PrayerWineChocholate .  Also, visit her site for books she has written for girls and boys to journal at Journal for Catholic Girls and Journal for Catholic Boys

The Sacred Heart and Michelle Nott

Michelle shares with us her experiences of moving as a youngster while her father was in the military on her site Raising Small Things with Great Love .  Her one constant in her moves was having a crucifix and a picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in you by Monica McConkey

Monica shares with us ways to stay in prayer during the day.  As she states in Sacred Heart of Jesus I Trust in You , “We are called to pray “Jesus, I trust in You” throughout the day, especially during times of struggle or doubt or fear.”

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