Tag: contemplation

I am loved

In prayer group, we recently covered Chapter 10 from Thomas Merton’s New Seeds of Contemplation, A Body of Broken Bones.  I could have titled it, “I am loved in spite of my unworthiness.”   In this chapter, Merton talks about God’s grace and unconditional love, compassion and being one with all.  A key concept in …

Types of Prayer

There are times when I feel swept up by a passage in the bible, and I then place myself in the bible scene in the form of Ignatian spirituality and prayer. It was the end of February and the winter in Michigan was growing long.  Snow blowing and shoveling snow on a regular basis, sometimes …


Life transformation in Contemplative Living I am called to wholeness and integration into our community, our culture, and our society.  My response to this is to be in contemplative living, the activity in daily life prompted by the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Contemplative Living and Contemplative Prayer I use contemplative prayer to help me …